Delivering excellence through inclusion.

We will be transparent, accountable and develop inclusion to be a core part of everything we do.

We will:

  • Make inclusion a central part of performance management
  • Improve the transparency of inclusion information internally and externally
  • Improve the organisation’s ability to understand the impact of our decisions on our people and communities
  • Ensure accountability for inclusion is widely and deeply embedded
  • Review and refresh recruitment and promotion processes
  • Be seen as a beacon of best practice in inclusion across the Fire and Rescue Sector and wider GLA group of organisations
  • Adopt best practice procurement and supply chain management practices
  • Introduce inclusion Incident Leads at incident groups who are trained to undertake dynamic inclusion risk assessments and support with community engagement

Pay gap

The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties and Public Authorities) Regulations 2017 requires that the London Fire Brigade publish the difference between the rate of pay of male and female full-pay employees to show any gender pay gap. Annual data is available from March 2016. And, although it is not a statutory requirement, the LFB also publish ethnicity pay gap data in line with good practice. Annual data is available annually from March 2017.

We agree with the Mayor of London that this is necessary in order to address any inequalities and reduce gaps where these are evident.

Current and historic pay gap data can be found on the London Datastore.

Meet some London Fire Brigade people...