Our social media channels aim to inform and educate the public about the work we do both in terms of protecting Londoners, but also in how to prevent fires starting in the first place. We invite you to join the conversation and share your views with us.
Avoid posting personal information. Posts that include an email address, phone number, address or other personal information may be removed.
We welcome good debate and discussion, and we ask that comments are relevant to the original post. Off-topic posts or comments are likely to be removed, as are duplicate message across multiple unrelated posts. Repeated instances of off-topic posting may lead to a permanent ban or blocking of an account.
Avoid posting any hateful, defamatory, obscene, discriminatory or harassing comments, images or videos, or anything that could be deemed offensive to others. Such comments and posts will be removed, and you will be banned with no warning.
Avoid making posts or comments that serve as advertisements for yourself or others. Links, images and messages that advertise or promote the goods or services of individuals, businesses or causes, will likely be removed and result in you being banned or blocked.
Avoid posting anything that is not your original creative content or that you do not have a lawful right to post. Infringed branded logos, graphics, copyrighted text, images or videos that come to our attention will be removed, and you risk being banned or blocked.
We monitor social media platforms between 09.00 and 17.00 Monday to Friday, excluding UK national holidays. We aim to respond to all enquiries as quickly as possible during these hours. Some enquiries may take longer to resolve. There is a lot of helpful information on our website. We do not respond to non-emergency queries via social media, please submit this information as a contact form via our website. In an emergency, always call 999.
We try to respond to all enquiries within reason, however if your enquiry is deemed to be off topic, or you post what is deemed to be an unreasonable level of enquiries, we may not respond.
Unfortunately, we are only able to respond to enquiries made in English.
If there are serious or repeated breaches of the above guidelines you will be blocked from our channels with no warning.
We are active across Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and YouTube.