Sustainable success stories.

We're really proud of our record on sustainability – take a look at what we've achieved so far. 

Our successes so far

  • 100% electric car fleet
  • CO2 reduction from 1990 levels: 59% – that's substantially more than most public sector organisations
  • Onsite renewable energy generation meeting 10.9% of our overall needs
  • We've planted a forest! – Braidwood Forest in Rainham was planted as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations
  • Continued to maintain ISO 14,001 accredited certification for management functions and 10 high risk stations
  • Walthamstow Fire Station became our first carbon net zero fire station due to the installation of an Air Source Heat Pump

Social sustainability

Making a sustainable difference to people and places 

Our aims

There are three things we focus on in this area of our sustainable practice:

  1. Community safety (fire prevention, protection and response)
  2. Building a fairer society (equality, diversity and social inclusion)
  3. Protecting our people (health & safety)

Our successes so far

  • In response to Covid-19 we launched an online Home Fire Safety Checker that can be accessed by any member of the community
  • Reached the Achievement level with the London Healthy Workplace Charter
  • Both the gender and ethnic diversity of our trainee firefighter intake increased, alongside increases in the diversity of our operational workforce across all groups monitored

Financial sustainability

Using public money sustainably for London and Londoners

Our aims?

As a public sector organisation, we have a responsibility to make sure you get good value for money, and for us value means providing broader benefits to Londoners and the world around us than just the bottom line.

In practice, this means doing things like making sure all our contractors are paid at least the London Living Wage, and trying to spend more with SMEs to keep money in our local economy instead of big business shareholders's bank accounts. 

Our successes so far

  • Creating apprenticeships in our workplace, and delivering 237 job starts and 11 apprenticeship starts in 2021-22
  • We started using the Social Value Portal, using the National Themes, Outcomes and Measures (TOMs) framework to help maximise the social value added within contracts



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