
 are more vulnerable than larger vehicles, and accidents can lead to more serious injuries. Protect yourself by being prepared...


Training for motorcyclists

There are various courses available for bikers looking to improve their skills:

  • Biker Down! A free nationwide scheme devised to provide the tools to help bikers if they're involved in a crash.
  • DVSA enhanced rider scheme: Checks your motorcycle riding skills and provides training to help you improve.
  • Advanced rider courses: Training designed to make you one of the most skilled riders on the road with this on-road course delivered by qualified experts.
  • Advanced Motorcycle Training: RoSPA's advanced motorcycle training instructs riders in the theory and practice of safe systems of deliberate and responsible riding.

Join us on a free Biker Down! course

We run life-saving sessions in West Norwood, Dagenham and Heston.

Advice for motorcyclists

Wear protective clothing and equipment

  • Bikers must wear a helmet when riding on the road
  • Make sure your helmet fits right, and has a high SHARP safety rating
  • Use a helmet visor or goggles
  • Wear gloves, boots, full trousers and a leather or reinforced jacket, even if it’s warm

Be seen

  • Wear bright colours and reflective clothing or accessories
  • Use dipped headlights, even in daylight

Ride for the conditions

  • Pay attention to the conditions and ride at a speed that allows you to slow down or stop in good time, especially if it’s wet, foggy or icy.
  • A motorcycle has less contact with the pavement than a car, making it more likely to skid or slide. If you can’t avoid the following hazards, slow down as much as possible before you get to them:
    • Poor or worsening weather
    • Diesel spills
    • Mud, wet leaves and stones
    • Manhole covers or potholes
    • Painted road markings


  • Stay alert and observant at junctions or roundabouts: try to anticipate the actions of others
  • Drivers struggle to judge the speed of a bike, so take extra care when approaching, or pulling out of a junction.
  • Take a ‘lifesaver’ glance over your shoulder before carrying out any manoeuvres.

Overtaking and positioning

  • Position yourself in the best place, usually the middle of the lane. Always indicate and take up your road position in good time before turning.
  • Assume drivers haven’t spotted you
  • When overtaking, judge speed and distance carefully, and know your bike’s acceleration
  • Don’t overtake where there are:
    • Double white lines
    • Signs prohibiting overtaking
    • Bends
    • Junctions
    • Lay-bys
    • Pedestrian crossings
    • Hills or dips in the road
  • Filtering – if filtering through a traffic jam or slow moving traffic, be careful:
    • Your visibility, manoeuvrability and reaction times will be reduced to a minimum
    • Drivers may suddenly change lanes or open a door


  • Keep tyres in good condition and at the correct pressure

Useful documents

Road safety advice for motorcyclists

Download PDF (1,165kb)

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