Your Fire Cadet journey.

From joining at the age of 14 through to Officer Fire Cadets and Fire Cadet Ambassadors who help to shape our work, see where you can go with Fire Cadets...

Where will Fire Cadets take you?

 There are lots of exciting paths you can take as a fire cadet – from learning basic firefighting skills, to expanding your leadership potential and possibly even meeting royalty at VIP events!

Sara Perez, Youth Engagement Manager, Fire Cadets

Since we started Fire Cadets in 2013 over 750 young people have graduated.
Fire Cadets training

Fire Cadets – age 14-17

If you're between 14 and 17, you'll join our regular Fire Cadets! During your time on the programme you’ll make new friends, have loads of fun and learn all about what it means to be a firefighter and make a positive impact on your community.

What do we learn about at Fire Cadets?

  • Fire Safety – learn how to keep yourself and others safe by understanding hazards, risks and control measures.
  • What to do in an emergency – learn about fire safety in the home and create your own fire plan as well as how we work with other emergency services.
  • Basic first aid – how to help people in an emergency.
  • Firefighting skills – what firefighters do, the equipment we use, and how we help others.
  • Life skills – how to be a positive citizen and an active member of your community.

What do we do?

  • Try out firefighting equipment and run drills – yep, you'll get to have a go with ladders and hoses!
  • Go to events and meet Fire Cadets from different Boroughs.
  • Get active – we learn about why it's important to keep fit and healthy.
  • Go on days out together – trying different activities and visiting other fire stations.

Frances, Fire Cadet, Brent

There’s so much to learn at Fire Cadets, such as Prevent, Protect and Respond, plus it’s the closest you’ll get to being a Firefighter until you’re old enough to apply!
Fire Cadets training

Officer Fire Cadets – age 15-17

If you're between 15 and 17 and have completed your first year as a Fire Cadet, you can then apply to become an Officer Fire Cadet. This is the next step on your Fire Cadet journey, and you'll build upon your leadership, communication and confidence to help your instructors to teach all the skills you learned as a Fire Cadet.

This is an incredible opportunity to build up evidence for your CV when you leave school and it’s time to start looking for a job or go into further education.

Officer Fire Cadets are split into different ranks:

  • Crew Manager Cadet (Under 16)
  • Watch Manager (16-18)
  • Station Manager (16-18)

What do we learn about as Officer Fire Cadets?

  • Safety – learn about risk assessment and health and safety in the workplace.
  • What to do in an emergency – learn what to do in an emergency situation prior to the arrival of the emergency services.
  • Advanced First Aid – to give you the skills to administer first aid in emergency situations.
  • Practical firefighting – build on the skills learned in your first year as a Fire Cadet.

Officer Fire Cadets in their own words...

I'm loads more confident since I started doing Fire Cadets, and think after school I might want a career in uniformed services.
Fire Cadets

Fire Cadet Ceremonial Team – sponsored by Romford Lions

Our Fire Cadet Ceremonial Team – sponsored by Romford Lions – represent London Fire Brigade's Fire Cadets at major events. It's an amazing opportunity that might see you meeting Royals and celebs, or maybe even travelling the country!

What does the Fire Cadet Ceremonial Team do?

  • Support London wide events – represent London Fire Brigade at auspicious events such as fire station openings and memorial parades.
  • Attend National events – support events hosted by national organisations such as the Firefighters Memorial Trust and the Worshipful Company of Firefighters.
  • Represent Fire Cadets internationally – have the opportunity to represent Fire Cadets in Europe and possibly beyond!

Where might it take you? 

In the past 3 years, our Fire Cadet Ceremonial Team have taken part in exciting events including:

  • Respecting fallen firefighters at state events including the Firefighter Memorial Trusts Services of Remembrance and Thanksgiving
  • Meeting Princess Anne at the Firefighter Monument Light Switch On
  • Meeting Prince Harry at London Fire Brigade’s Carol Concert.
Dany Cotton with Fire Cadets

Fire Cadet Ambassadors

Fire Cadet Ambassadors are our highest ranking Officer Cadets. Real role models for the next generation of firefighters, this elite group of young people exemplify what it means to be a Fire Cadet, and represent the London Fire Brigade at events alongside our senior officers. These roles offer exciting opportunities and increased responsibility, whilst helping to shape what Fire Cadets will look like in the future.

What do Fire Cadet Ambassadors do?

  • Represent the Fire Cadets at the highest level and accompanying senior officers attending prestigious events.
  • Take part in consultation events and steering groups.
  • Visit Cadet units to talk about their experience and encourage other cadets to become their best.
  • Represent Fire Cadets on the LFB Youth Board... plus lots more!

You decide the next destination...

Cadets have gone on to achieve amazing things, including becoming firefighters and education officers here at London Fire Brigade.

Lots of Cadets never leave the London Fire Brigade family... many are training to join the Brigade, and nearly 9/10 carry on supporting the next generation as Volunteer Cadet Instructors.