Deep fat fryers.

In 2019, we attended 70 fires started by deep fat fryers – so can you cook safely this way?

Deep fat frying – is it always dangerous?

We still see a substantial number of kitchen fires involving deep frying with oil or fat. However, it is possible reduce the fire risks of deep fat frying: 

  • Take extra care when cooking with hot oil as it can easily overheat and catch fire.
  • Never fill a pan more than one third full of fat or oil.
  • Make sure food is dry before putting it in hot oil – oil and water are a dangerous mix.
  • If the oil starts to smoke, it’s too hot. Turn off the heat and leave it to cool.
  • Use an electronic deep fat fryer if possible – they have automatic temperature controls, and are much safer.

It's also really important to keep the hob, cooker hood and extractor fan clean too – built up fat and grease can ignite and cause a fire.

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