Training for heritage staff

- fire safety training for staff should be carried out regularly, and given to new starters as part of their induction. 

Your Fire Risk Assessment should identify what training is necessary and how frequently it’s needed.

Common training needs

  • What to do in the event of a fire
    • Raising or responding to an alarm
    • Calling emergency services
    • Fire drills if appropriate
  • How the fire safety systems and equipment operate
    • Using fire extinguishers
    • Interpreting a fire alarm panel
    • Operating smoke control systems
    • Awareness of Automatic Fire Suppression installations
    • Location of water, gas, electricity shut off valves
  • Familiarisation with the building’s emergency plans
  • Salvage plans and your staff’s role in them

Staff with a specific role/s in an emergency may require further training eg

  • Investigating the source of an alarm

  • Searching a building for occupants

  • Fire Marshall / Warden

  • Liaising with emergency services

  • Incident Coordinator

  • Salvage Coordinator or member of the Salvage Team

  • Recovery Coordinator or member of the Recovery Team

  • Out of hours procedures