Breathing apparatus (BA) cylinder testing.

Our firefighters often work in dangerous smoke-filled environments – and rely on breathing apparatus (BA) for their safety.


What is breathing apparatus (BA) cylinder testing – and why do we do it?

The London Fire Brigade has over 4000 firefighters – who all need well-maintained BA to keep them safe

Our firefighters often work in dangerous smoke-filled environments – and rely on breathing apparatus (BA) for their safety. The air cylinders connected to the BA work at very high pressure and have to be tested regularly to make sure they are safe to use. They are filled with water to an extreme pressure so that the cylinder expands. The measuring of this expansion tells us if the cylinder is safe to be used.

Our Protective Equipment Group (PEG) has a specialist team of technicians who are responsible for maintaining and recharging with air every firefighters’ BA cylinder. The regulations require that each of the Brigade’s 6000 cylinders are tested every five years.

How do we help?

Every fire engine has a stock of BA and every firefighter is allocated BA when they are on duty. The PEG  team is responsible for the provision and maintenance of all aspects of BA and air cylinders.

Why is it essential?

"By its nature, firefighting can have risks. The equipment which my team looks after is vital to ensure the safety of firefighters working in hazardous environments"

Geoff Avis, Head of Protective Equipment Group

Did you know?

The PEG team also makes and maintains the London Fire Brigade’s hose stock – which runs to about 60 miles in total.



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