Grass and Wildfires

Lengthy periods of hot dry weather cause dry grass and foliage, and it only takes a spark to cause a wildfire.

These are uncontrolled and unpredictable and can spread very quickly.

What to do if you discover a wildfire

  • Ensure you are in a safe location (away from vegetation and smoke). Stay calm – call 999 immediately.
  • If you are in your car, close all windows and vents.
  • Be as specific as you can about the location, the size and any other relevant information. Apps like what3words can help fire crews to get there quickly.
  • Do not attempt to tackle the blaze yourself.
  • Stay well away from wildfires as fire can smolder or spread underground.

What can cause a grass fire?  

Anything that is burning can start a grass fire. The most common offenders are cigarettes and barbecues. 

Grass and wildfire prevention tips: 

  • Don’t throw cigarettes out of car windows, they may land on dry grass by the roadside.
  • Don’t have barbecues in parks and public or other open spaces.
  • Take all your litter home – including glass bottles.

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