Sending external wall reports, floor and building plans

and reporting defective lifts or equipment

Under the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 (GOV.UK) responsible persons of high-rise residential buildings (above 18 metres in height) are required by law to provide the following information to fire and rescue services.

Floor and building plans

  • Submit up-to-date electronic building floor plans
  • Provide a secure information box (GOV.UK) on site and store a hard copy of floor plans and a single page building plan in the box
  • Plans must show the location of specific fire safety equipment and building features as defined in Regulation 6.

Floor plans and building plans fact sheet (GOV.UK)

External Wall Report

  • Submit a report, completed by the responsible person, detailing the design and materials of a high-rise building’s external wall system.
  • The report should also provide information about the level of risk that the design and materials of the external wall structure gives rise to, and any mitigating steps taken.

Design and Materials of external walls fact sheet (GOV.UK)

How to send building plans and external wall reports to London Fire Brigade

Register yourself and your team members on our new system to send us your plans. Once we have approved your account you will be able to upload your information.

Register now


Reporting defective lifts or equipment

Responsible persons of high-rise residential buildings must undertake monthly checks on the operation of lifts intended for use by firefighters, and evacuation lifts in their building and check the functionality of other key pieces of firefighting equipment.

Lifts and essential firefighting equipment fact sheet (GOV.UK)

They will also be required to report any defective lifts or equipment to their local Fire and Rescue Service as soon as possible after detection if the fault cannot be fixed within 24 hours, and to record the outcome of checks and make them available to residents.

Report faults

Register yourself and your team members on our new system to send us your plans. Once we have approved your account you will be able to report faults here.

Register now