In an emergency.

What should you do if there's an accident on the road? Advice for drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and bikers. 

If there is a crash

What to do if there's a crash or accident

If you are involved in a crash or stop to give assistance:

  1. Use your hazard warning lights to warn other traffic.
  2. Ask drivers to switch off their engines. 
  3. Make sure no-one in the immediate vicinity is smoking. 
  4. Call 999 and give full details of the incident, location and any casualties.
  5. Move uninjured people away from the vehicles to safety – on a motorway, this should be well away from the traffic.
  6. Do not move injured people from their vehicles unless they are in immediate danger from fire or explosion.
  7. Do not remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless it is essential to do so.
  8. Stay at the scene until emergency services arrive.

What if I break down?

What to do in a breakdown

If you drive a car, van or lorry and you break down, you should try to: 

  1. Get off the road if you can – if it's safe to do so, try to get your vehicle off the road.
  2. Use your hazard lights – warn other vehicle users that there's a problem. Use your hazard lights as you make your way off the road, or if your vehicle is causing an obstruction. If possible, keep your sidelights on.
  3. Keep out of the road, and be seen – wear light-coloured or fluorescent clothing in daylight and reflective clothing at night or in poor visibility. Do not stand (or let anybody else stand) between your vehicle and oncoming traffic.
  4. Warn others – if the road is relatively quiet, have one, put a warning triangle on the road at least 45 metres (147 feet) behind your vehicle on the same side of the road – but never use these on motorways.
  5. If you are on the motorway – get everyone out of the car as quickly as you can – using the passenger side doors only – and stay out of the car until help comes. It's better to be cold and wet than in a dangerous situation.

Accidents involving bikes, motorbikes and pedestrians

The best way to know how to help in an emergency is to do some training before you need it. We are currently offering free training sessions in West Norwood, Dagenham and Heston, all focused on what to do if there is an emergency involving bikers. 

Sign up for Biker Down! 

Biker Down! is a free nationwide scheme that was devised to provide the tools to help bikers if they're involved in a crash. The scheme is in partnership with London Ambulance Service, Transport for London and the Metropolitan Police. The course lasts roughly four hours and is split into three modules:

  • How to manage the scene if you come across a collision.

  • Immediate Emergency Aid.

  • Collision prevention and the science of being seen.

It's ideal for bikers, as when you've qualified, you will receive: 

  1. A certificate of attendance.
  2. A first-aid kit designed to be carried under the seat of your bike.
  3. A discount on the BikeSafe-London Rider Skills Day delivered by The Metropolitan Police Service's Motorcycle Safety Team.

Book a Biker Down! course place

We run this free, life-saving session in West Norwood, Dagenham and Heston – sign up for your place now.

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