Enforce fire safety legislation.

There are around 800,000 premises in London covered by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) – how do we enforce it?

What does this mean?

Our responsibility to enforce fire safety legislation explained

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) which is the main piece of legislation that London Fire Brigade enforces. The RRO puts the emphasis on the responsible person to comply with the law – find more information on the Fire Safety Law page.

However – with over 800,000 premises covered – we can't visit every one. Instead, we operate a risk-based inspection programme based on protecting the most vulnerable and those that are more likely to have a fire.

For example, care homes are occupied by some of London’s most vulnerable people, so some of these will be inspected each year. We also use extensive database of where fires happen to ensure these types of premises are getting the scrutiny they deserve.

What do we do when buildings aren't compliant?

Although the primary legislation is enforced by local authorities, London Fire Brigade will work with borough partners to ensure the Brigade protects the most vulnerable people against rogue landlords.

Where the risk is serious, the Brigade can use prohibition powers to make people safe. During the last five years, the Brigade has issued over 200 prohibition notices – the majority of these were to protect people in unsuitable accommodation.

Our enforcement policy statement and service standards

Enforcement Policy Statement

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Enforcement Service Standards

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Education before prohibition

Where London Fire Brigade identifies non-compliance through its inspection programme, post-fire inspections or a complaint, the Brigade will take the necessary action to ensure that buildings are safe. However most of the our work is around educating the business community in how to make their premises safe in the first place – learn more on the fire safety in the workplace and property management pages.

Public notices in your area

See public notices, including enforcement notices, we've served in your area.

Public Notices

Rogue Landlord Checker

Landlords and letting agents that have been subject to certain enforcement actions may now be identified on the Rogue Landlord Checker

Rogue landlord checker

Moving forwards...

Sharing knowledge to build a safer London

We will focus the specialist knowledge of our fire safety inspectors on the design and fire engineered challenges to support business and influence London’s built environment.

The Brigade will target housing and housing providers to improve standards for residents across both private and public estates. The Brigade will also work with housing developers to champion the installation of appropriate fire suppression systems (like domestic sprinklers) in new and refurbished homes.

Find out more on the help to make new buildings safer page.

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