Support Fire Cadets.

Your help, sponsorship and support can really brighten young Londoners' futures...

Partnership and sponsorship

Supporting London Fire Cadets – sponsorship and partnership opportunities

Our Fire Cadets programme is delivered by firefighters, non-operational Brigade staff and adult volunteers from the local community. However, we couldn't do it without our supporters.

Collaboration with partners and sponsors contributes to the impact Fire Cadets has on the young people, and the difference they can make to their community and to making London a safer city.

It's a great cause, and an incredible opportunity for your brand, business or organisation to support young Londoners. 

How sponsors and partners make all the difference – watch our video

Meet our young people, and the volunteers who support them, and see why sponsoring and partnering with Fire Cadets is so important and rewarding.

Fire Cadets explained – watch our video and meet current Fire Cadets.

Can you support us?

How do businesses and organisations support Fire Cadets?

The support we receive is as diverse as the communities we're a vital part of. From donations of goods and services, through to financial support, there are so many ways our generous communities help us help young people.

What do we need?


  • £26,800 will pay for a Fire Cadet Coordinator to run the unit for two years until we can establish the volunteer-led model.
  • It costs £11,600 to set up a brand new Cadet unit – plus £8,750 ongoing annually to run the unit including the first year.
  • £2500 will sponsor an individual Fire Cadet for a whole year at an established unit.

However, all sponsorship help, support and funding helps! For example...


By the end of 2021, we would love to equip every cadet unit with an iPad, so help to boost our connectivity on the go would be much appreciated. Could you sponsor WiFi or a PAYG SIM card?


Our cadets get hungry! If you are a local food and drinks business, we would be very grateful for edible donations to fuel their sessions. 


If you can’t support us financially, how about giving your time – find out more about volunteering with Fire Cadets here.

Fire Cadets training

Why sponsor Fire Cadets?

5 reasons to sponsor Fire Cadets

  1. Give young people the best possible start – the Fire Cadets makes an incredible difference to young lives. And that's an incredible thing to be part of.
  2. Make a real difference – Fire Cadets is a really positive involvement in social action and improving community cohesion.
  3. Make your place safer – increased awareness of how to reduce fires and antisocial behaviour contributing to the enhancement of local communities.
  4. Boost your brand – associate with the hugely respected and well-known brand that is London Fire Brigade, and the innovative new uniformed youth service that is Fire Cadets.
  5. Feel connected – be part of one of the largest firefighting and rescue organisations in the world. Your support makes you part of our family.

Fire Cadets is also a great morale booster if you want to support us as a workplace team – we’re always on keen to meet adult volunteers who want to support the Fire Cadets’ programme.

Fire Cadets training
Fire cadet  holding water hose

Supporting Fire Cadets

Please contact Youth Engagement Manager Sara Perez at

Don't forget to follow us...

If you have a question or you'd like to see what our Fire Cadets are up to at the moment, find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram


Did you know?

Fire Cadets began in the early 1990's with two hundred units across the UK and more to come. In 2013 we were formally established as National Fire Cadets working within the framework of the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC). We are really proud to be part of a national network of young people, supported by adult volunteers, aiming to provide inclusive opportunities for young people to have fun and achieve their goals

More info about Fire Cadets

Supporting us leaflet

Download PDF (2,426kb)

National Framework – our aims and ambitions

Download DOCX (79kb)

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