A landlord who rented out rooms in a disused Kentish Town pub has received a suspended prison sentence and ordered to carry out 100 hours of community service for breaking fire safety laws.
London Fire Brigade has expressed grave fire safety concerns over a new craze to light alcohol above a tea light and inhale the vapour.
The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority is today launching a public consultation on its Draft Fifth London Safety Plan, which outlines how the Authority will continue to keep Londoners safe over the next three years.
The London Fire Brigade has today warned the owners of clubs, pubs and restaurants in the capital not to be complacent about fire safety, after over 230 people were killed following a fire in a Brazil nightclub.
Firefighters from the London Fire Brigade are warning people to stay off the ice after they were called to rescue two men yesterday who had fallen through frozen lakes to rescue their dogs.
Members of London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority met today (Monday, 21 January) to discuss the draft Fifth London Safety Plan.
Six people including four young children were taken to hospital with carbon monoxide poisoning after a woman used a barbecue indoors to dry her clothes.
Modern fridges and freezers are the ‘most dangerous household appliance when involved in a fire’, according to a new report from the London Fire Brigade (LFB).