The first fire station in Brixton was one of the first purpose built stations in London, opened in December 1867 in Ferndale Road at a cost of £1670.
In 1906, the current station was opened in Gresham Road to replace the earlier station at a cost of £9626. It was considerably larger, with five stories, residential accommodation and an eighty two foot drill tower. The appliance bays housed one steam fire engine, a horsed escape ladder, three manual escape ladders, and a hose cart, with stables for four horses to the rear.
In the 1960s, Brixton was one of the areas of London focused upon by the National Fire Prevention Campaign, which sought to educate local families and school children in the basics of fire safety.
Today we work with residents and schools all across London to ensure Londoners feel confident about fire safety and know what to do in an emergency.