Last updated: 08/11/2019, 11:54 AM

Sprinklers extinguish Stratford shop fire

23/10/2019 18:51
Fire at commercial property

Sprinklers saved a shop at The Mall in Stratford after a fire broke out on a clothes rail. 

A sprinkler head in the shop activated and extinguished the small fire before firefighters arrived. Three members of staff left the shop before the Brigade arrived.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: “This incident highlights the clear benefits of sprinklers to businesses and we would urge all companies and business owners to install them.

“In this case the sprinklers controlled the fire spread, limiting damage to area of origin and preventing anyone from being put at risk from any fire.

“As well as limiting fire damage and being potentially life saving devices, sprinklers and other fire suppression systems help with business continuity by minimising disruption and allowing businesses to get back to normal as soon as possible.”

The Brigade was called at 1851 and the incident was over for firefighters at 1931. Two fire engines from Stratford and Leytonstone fire stations attended the scene. 

The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Brigade and Metropolitan Police Service.