Last updated: 26/11/2019, 10:01 AM

Carbon monoxide leak – Deptford

24/11/2019 23:12
Gas leak

A carbon monoxide alarm helped alert a family to a potentially deadly gas leak in their flat on Haddonfield Estate in Deptford.

The family heard the alarm sound and called the gas authority. They arrived and detected carbon monoxide, they isolated the boiler and asked the family to leave the flat.

Firefighters ventilated the property and confirmed it was safe when no elevated readings were found on their detection equipment.

Deptford Firefighter Dan White said:

“Had the residents gone to bed without the detection of the carbon monoxide by their alarm this incident could have been a lot worse. A woman and a teenager was treated at the scene by London Ambulance Service crews. Carbon monoxide was also detected in a neighbouring property but those residents did not have an alarm. Thankfully their boiler was also isolated while we were at the scene.

“You can't taste, see or smell CO fumes, but it can kill in minutes. It's really important to fit a carbon monoxide alarm in all rooms containing solid fuel gas, or paraffin heaters. It's also a good idea to familiarise yourself with the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning, and learn what to do if you suspect someone may be affected.”

The Brigade was called at 2312 and the incident was over for crews by 2338. Firefighters from Deptford, New Cross and Lewisham fire stations were called to the scene.