Last updated: 01/08/2019, 3:26 PM

Sprinklers save Blackheath flat

11/06/2019 06:52
House or flat fire

Sprinklers saved a Blackheath flat from being seriously damaged by fire. 

A fire broke out in a second floor flat in Larkwood Avenue and a sprinkler head actuated and helped to suppress the fire. 

A small part of the flat was damaged by fire. 

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: "Sprinklers are the only fire safety system that detects a fire, suppresses a fire and raises the alarm.

“They save lives and protect property and they are especially important where there are vulnerable residents who would find it difficult to escape, like those with mobility problems.”

The Brigade was called at 0652 and the fire was under control at 0720. Fire crews from Greenwich and Lewisham fire stations attended the scene.