Last updated: 21/09/2018, 1:05 PM

Firefighters ‘nail down’ fire safety advise following beauty blaze at city salon

19/09/2018 16:20
The City of London
Fire at commercial property

A candle igniting spilt nail polish remover is believed to have been the cause of a fire at a beauty salon in Farringdon Street in The City.

The fire has prompted a warning from firefighters to remind people to take care when using candles, especially when close to flammable liquids like nail polish removers and massage oils.

Seven people left the salon and a further 25 people left the building before the Brigade arrived and one woman was taken to hospital. A small part of the basement of the five-storey building was damaged by the fire.

The Brigade’s fire investigators believe the fire was caused by acetone (nail varnish remover) vapours coming into contact with a candle.

Watch Manager Chris Rose said: "Nail polish remover is highly flammable and even the vapours can ignite if exposed to a naked flame.

“Here in Fire Investigation at the Brigade, we all like to keep our nails buffed and know how important a beauty routine is but never use flammable liquid like nail polish removal near candles.

“Candles are one of the most common causes of fires so never leave candles unattended, especially if sheets and pillows are covered in massage oil.

Thankfully in this instance, a quick thinking member of staff reacted as soon as they noticed vapours ignite from the spilt polish and called 999.

How to use candles and incense safely

  • Make sure you put out any candles, incense and oil burners when you leave the room and especially before bed.
  • These items should always be held firmly in heat-resistant holders and placed on a stable surface where they won’t be knocked over.
  • Keep them away from materials that might catch fire – that's things like curtains, furniture, clothes and hair.
  • Be especially careful if you have a lot of flammable items in your home, like collections of books, magazines or papers.
  • Be aware that tea lights get very hot and without proper holders can melt through plastic surfaces like a TV or bath.
  • To avoid accidents keep candles and other naked flames out of reach of children and pets.
  • LED candles can be a great alternative – they're safe even if you fall asleep or forget to blow them out.


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