Last updated: 25/09/2018, 9:11 AM

Fire at pub - Woodberry Down

24/09/2018 11:55
Fire at commercial property

Firefighters are reminding smokers to dispose of their cigarettes carefully after a fire at a pub on Woodberry Grove in Woodberry Down.

A lean-to attached to the pub was destroyed by the fire and a small part of the fascia of the building was also damaged. One man left a flat above the pub before the Brigade arrived.

The Brigade's fire investigators believe the most likely cause of the fire was a discarded cigarette which ignited a sofa.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: "Cigarettes are a common cause of fires but so many people fail to ensure they are stubbed out properly.

"Never leave cigarettes unattended and always ensure ashtrays are carefully emptied of all the debris.

"We'd rather people didn't smoke at all but if you do, vaping is a safer option in terms of preventing fires.

"If you do choose to smoke cigarettes, it is absolutely vital you ensure your cigarette is completely out when you’ve finished smoking it.

"If you don’t, you risk causing a fire which could not only destroy your home, but also cost you your life."

The Brigade's 999 Control Officers took 25 calls to the fire.

The Brigade was called at 1155 and the fire was under control at 1244. Four fire engines and around 25 firefighters from Holloway, Stoke Newington and Tottenham fire stations attended the scene.

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