Last updated: 23/07/2018, 9:17 PM

Grass fire - Woolwich

23/07/2018 15:51
Outdoor fire

The Woolwich Common grass fire is now under control but firefighters will be at the scene damping down for a number of hours.

The Brigade currently has ten fire engines which is over 70 firefighters at the scene but at the height of the fire, around 125 firefighters were tackling the blaze.

Station Manager Clinton Walsh who was at the scene said:

“Firefighters are using water jets and fire beaters to ensure this fire is out. We will be here for a number of hours damping the area down to ensure it can’t smoulder in the undergrowth and reignite.

“At the height of the fire large plumes of smoke were drifting across the area near to a hospital grounds and local roads. Firefighters worked extremely quickly is very difficult conditions on one of the hottest days of the year.

 “London is tinder dry at the moment and a stray cigarette or even a glass bottle is enough to set a fire like this one. I can’t stress how important it is for smokers to really ensure cigarette butts and matches are out properly and never leave barbecues unattended.”

Grass and shrubland the size of four football pitches was alight.

The Brigade’s tips on preventing grass fires are as follows:

  • Never leave camp fires or barbecues unattended and extinguish them properly after you have finished using them
  • Clear away bottles, glasses and any broken glass to avoid them magnifying the sun and starting a fire
  • Dispose of smoking materials such as cigarettes safely
  • Explain to children the dangers of playing with and lighting fires

The Brigade was called at 1551 and the fire was under control by 2006. 

Fire crews from East Greenwich and surrounding stations are at the scene and expect to be there for a number of hours damping down.