Last updated: 30/07/2018, 4:47 PM

Garage fire- Edmonton

27/07/2018 23:51
Outdoor fire

Four fire engines and around 25 firefighters were called to a fire at a row of residential garages behind Montagu Road in Edmonton last night.

A single storey garage and nearby bushes were completely destroyed by fire.

Watch Manager Adam Baker was at the scene, he said: “Fortunately fire crews were able to contain the fire and stop it spreading over the other side of the bushes to a timber yard and industrial estate which could have caused considerable damage to property.

“Firefighters had to find alternative access to water hydrants due to cars parked on top, and adjacent, to them. This is a timely reminder to drivers to always ensure you park sensibly, ensuring hydrants aren’t blocked and that fire engines and other emergency service vehicles can always get access when called to incidents.”

The Brigade was called at 2351 and the incident was under control by 0033. Fire crews from Edmonton and Tottenham fire stations were at the scene.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

Garage fire - Edmonton