Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:21 PM

Four people escape tumble dryer fire - Kilburn

30/04/2018 23:03
House or flat fire

Four people escaped a tumble dryer fire which badly damaged a kitchen – prompting a reminder from firefighters about the importance of white goods safety.

The Brigade’s fire investigators believe the fire was accidental and involved a tumble dryer. The fire is still under further investigation, including what caused it and whether or not the tumble dryer was on a list of recalled goods.

Watch Manager Adam Barnett, who was at the scene, said: “Nearly one fire a day in London involves white goods.

“While we don’t yet know if this was a recalled appliance, this incident just goes to show how important it is for residents to register their appliances and check whether they are subject to a recall.

“It’s also vital that if your white goods start making a strange noise not to ignore it. If you think there might be a problem, always unplug it and contact the manufacturer or a qualified repair technician.

“White goods should also always be stored in a safe place out of the way. If a fire does break out, you need all escape routes to be clear.”

The Brigade has long been lobbying to make it easier for people to find out if their products are subject to a recall. You can find out more about what we’re calling for in our Total Recalls campaign.

The blaze was contained to the kitchen of the semi-detached house in Priory Park Road, Kilburn, and fortunately the four people inside got out before the Brigade arrived and no one was injured.

Two fire engines and 10 firefighters and officers were called to the fire.

The Brigade was called at 2303 and the fire was under control at 2320. Fire crews from West Hampstead fire station attended the scene.

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