Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:18 PM

Orpington - grass fire

30/03/2017 13:34
Outdoor fire

Four fire engines and 21 firefighters were called to a grass fire at Ruxley Gravel Pit in Edgington Way in Sidcup this afternoon.

Around two hectares of grass and shrubland were affected by the fire, an area equivalent to the size of around two football pitches.

The Brigade was called at 1334 and the fire was under control by 1615. Crews from Orpington, Sidcup and Eltham  fire stations were at the scene.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: “Today is one of the first warm days of the year and this is one of the first grass fires we have attended in 2017. These fires can  cause a great deal of damage to open spaces and wildlife but the public can help by making sure that cigarettes and barbecues are extinguished properly, and that glass bottles are disposed of carefully.

"It's also important that if you do notice a fire on open grassland that you don't attempt to put it out yourself as they can travel very quickly and change direction without warning. Call the fire brigade and let us know where the fire is so we can get our crews on the scene as soon as possible to stop it from spreading any further.”