Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:19 PM

Hackney - flat fire above fast food shop

23/02/2017 22:11
House or flat fire

Four fire engines and twenty one fire fighters and officers were called to a flat fire on Amhurst Road in Hackney last night. Fortunately staff and residents left the property before the Brigade arrived.

Most of the five roomed flat on the first floor above a fast food shop was damaged by fire. There was also extensive damage to the ceiling of the shop.

Watch Manager Terry Maher was at the scene said:

“When we arrived at the scene there was lots of smoke coming out of the front of the shop and there was smoke and flames coming from the flat above it. Despite having difficulty getting access, the crews worked really well to stop the fire spreading into the roof and neighbouring properties.”

The Brigade was called at 2211 and the fire was under control by 2342.  Fire crews from Homerton and Stoke Newington fire stations attended the scene.

The cause of the fire is believed to be accidental, due to cooking which spread through the ducting - the shop's extraction system.