Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:19 PM

Peckham - flat fire

20/12/2017 19:34
House or flat fire

Firefighters have issued another candle safety warning after a fire at a block of flats in Scylla Road, Peckham.

More than half of a five-roomed flat on the first floor of the block and a small part of the roof void was damaged by the fire.

A man was rescued from the first floor by crews wearing breathing apparatus. He was treated at the scene for smoke inhalation before being taken to hospital by London Ambulance Service. A further three residents from adjacent flats had left the property before the arrival of the Brigade.

The Brigade’s fire investigator believe the cause of the fire is accidental and believed to have been caused by a candle being knocked over and setting light to combustible materials. The fire in Peckham is the second major fire in just two days which is believed to have been caused by candles.

Watch Manager Paul Meyrick, who was at the scene, said: “We often see fires which have been started by candles, especially at this time of year.

“When we arrived it was a fully developed fire in the flat. Crews wearing breathing apparatus rescued the man from the first floor and worked hard to stop the fire spreading.

“Candles, incense and oil burners are one of the most common causes of fire within homes and it’s really important to never leave them unattended.

“Keep them away from curtains and anything else that can easily catch fire. It is also vitally important to have smoke alarms in your property and as a minimum you should have smoke alarms on every floor – in the hallways and the rooms you use the most and a heat alarm in the kitchen.”

Top candle safety tips

• Keep candles/tea lights away from curtains, furniture and anything else that can catch fire
• Keep loose clothing and hair away from candles/tea lights when they are lit
• Always place your candles/tea lights in a suitable fire resistant candleholder
• Make sure the candleholder holds the candle/tea light firmly and is on a flat and stable surface to stop it falling over
• Make sure you put out any candles, incense and oil burners when you leave the room and especially before bed
• Keep candles/tea lights out of the reach of children and pets

The Brigade was called at 1934 and the fire was under control at 2146. Four fire engines and 21 firefighters and officers from New Cross, Peckham, Old Kent Road and Greenwich fire stations attended.