Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:21 PM

Mitcham Common grass fire

23/07/2016 14:39
Outdoor fire

Six fire engines and 35 firefighters and officers tackled a grass fire in Mitcham Common this afternoon.

Grass the size of eight football pitches was damaged by the blaze.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said:

“Grass fires can be started deliberately or accidentally, but however they start, they can cause huge damage to property and kill wildlife. If you see a grass fire, don't attempt to put it out yourself as grass fires can travel very quickly and change direction without warning. Call the fire brigade and let us know where the fire is.

“The most common causes of grass fires are discarded cigarettes, which if thrown from a car window can ignite dry grass verges. Another common way that these fires start is from glass bottles which can concentrate the suns rays onto dry grass and shrubbery."

The Brigade was called at 1439 and the fire was under control by 1637. Fire crews from Mitcham, Norbury, Wimbledon, Wallington and Sutton fire stations attended the scene.