Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:19 PM

Brigade issues incense burners warning following Colindale fire

19/04/2016 13:49
House or flat fire

A woman had a lucky escape after returning to her home on Lynton Avenue in Colindale to find her bed smouldering with a fire.

Fire Investigators believe that the blaze started when embers from an incense burner were accidently dropped onto bedding when the incense burner was moved.

Following the incident, London Fire Brigade are warning people to be careful when using candles and incense sticks.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: “Candles, incense sticks and oil burners are one of the most common causes of fire. It’s really important that you never leave them unattended and keep them away from anything that could catch fire such as curtains, furniture or clothes. We advise to place these in a suitable fire resistant candleholder which won’t be knocked over, and make sure you put them out entirely when you leave the room and especially before bed.”

The woman was taken to hospital by London Ambulance Service suffering from smoke inhalation but thankfully there were no other injuries.

Two fire engines and around 10 firefighters from Hendon fire station attended the scene.

The Brigade was called at 1349 and the fire was under control by 1421.