Last updated: 09/07/2018, 6:21 PM

40 houses affected by flood in Chessington

23/04/2016 01:22
Kingston upon Thames

Firefighters are pumping water away from a large flood caused by a burst water main in Chessington.

The flood is around 150 by 150 metres wide and in the deepest section around 40 inches deep. Around 40 properties on Hook Rd, Clayton Rd, Cecil Close, St Pauls Close and Selwood Rd are affected but thanks to the quick action of crews, water has not entered any homes although a local pub has suffered from some water damage.

Station Manager  Jerome Kumedzina who is at the scene said:

“Crews are going door to door to check on the welfare of residents, ensure they have no urgent medical conditions and ask them to stay put until the water is cleared. Specialist water rescue crews are on hand to remove residents should they have an urgent need to leave their home.

“Firefighters are also sandbagging properties to protect homes while specialist high volume pumps are clearing the water.”

Crews are making excellent progress to reduce the water while the water company isolates the leak but there is expected to be travel disruption in the local area into the morning. The flood is affecting local roads including the A243 Bridge Roundabout  on Hook Rd.
5 fire engines, 1 High Volume Pump and two  fire and rescue units are at the scene.

The Brigade was called at 0122 and expect to be at the scene for most of the morning.