Last updated: 11/10/2018, 10:56 AM

Hackney flat fire

09/09/2015 05:32
House or flat fire

A fire which damaged a Hackney flat this morning is believed to have been caused by laundry self-igniting.

The blaze caused damage to the boiler, cupboard and lighting circuits of the Woodmill Road property. Thankfully no one was inside at the time.

Fire investigators believe the blaze started accidentally in a hallway cupboard when the laundry stored there caught fire.

Charlie Pugsley, Head of Fire Investigation at the Brigade, said:

“Cotton laundry like aprons, tea towels and cloths can often be contaminated with organic cooking oils that can self-ignite if dried and stored.

“Make sure you do your wash at the right temperature with the appropriate detergent to remove any oil based contaminants. Also make sure you wait for your laundry to cool down before packing it away and store it in a well ventilated place.”

Two fire engines and 14 firefighters from Stoke Newington station attended the scene.

The Brigade was called at 0532 and the fire was under control by 0626.