Last updated: 11/10/2018, 10:57 AM

Firefighters warning after woman injured tackling Stockwell blaze

09/09/2015 15:45
House or flat fire

Firefighters are reminding people never to try and tackle a fire themselves after a woman was injured in a blaze at a block of flats on Left Road in Stockwell, on Monday.

A smoke alarm alerted the occupants to the fire, which they then attempted to tackle themselves. The fire was brought under control using a damp towel and was out before the Brigade arrived. One woman was treated at the scene by firefighters after suffering a minor burn.

The fire was confined to a four ring electric oven in the lounge and kitchen area and is believed to have been caused by a chip pan left unattended.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: “It is vital that you never try and tackle fires yourself, as they can cause injuries, as seen in this incident. Stay well away from the fire and call 999 right away.

“Chip pans and deep fat fryers caused nearly one fire a day in the capital's homes last year. They can be really dangerous as the oil can easily catch fire, so you should never leave them unattended - not even for a few minutes, or you could be risking your home or even your life.”

The Brigade's chip pan safety tips:

• Think about replacing your chip pan with an electric fryer – they are safer to use.
• If you have to use a chip pan never fill it more than a third full with oil or fat.
• Take extra care if you’ve been drinking alcohol – it might be safer to eat a cold snack or get a takeaway than use your fryer.
• Never leave the pan unattended with the heat on – not even for a few seconds.
• Don’t put chips in the pan if the oil has started smoking. Turn off the heat and leave the oil to cool down or it could catch fire.
• Get a smoke alarm and test it weekly.

If your pan does catch fire:

• Don't move the pan.
• Never put water onto a flaming chip pan – you’ll create a huge fire ball.
• If it's safe to do so - turn off the heat.
• Don’t take risks by tackling the fire. Get out, stay out, and call 999.

Two fire engines from Peckham and Clapham fire stations attended the incident. The Brigade was called at 1545 and the fire was under control at 1606.