Last updated: 04/10/2018, 10:29 AM

Bromley - 999 call advice saves mum and 2 children

08/10/2015 05:52

A life saving chat from a 999 call handler saved a woman and her two children who were trapped inside a house fire on The Chase in Bromley this morning.

Brigade control officer Tom Stibbards gave vital life saving guidance to the woman who couldn't escape as her home was full of smoke.

The family - alerted to the fire by their smoke alarm - were in one bedroom with the door closed.

Tom advised that they put bedding down to stop smoke entering the room and open the bedroom window to let fresh air in. He stayed on the phone until firefighters arrived at the scene.

Bromley Crew Manager Stuart Chessun said: "When firefighters arrived the home was full of thick black smoke which would have made it very difficult for the woman and children to escape safely.

"We found them in the bedroom unhurt and fire crews in breathing apparatus led the family to safety.

"The fire survival guidance the control operator gave helped save their lives. It allowed crews to carry out a great rescue by pitching a ladder against the bedroom window and bringing them to safety."

Faulty extractor fan

The cause of the fire is believed to be a faulty extractor fan in the kitchen which had been switched on after not being used for several years.

Stuart Chessun continued: "If you're using electrical equipment or appliances and not sure if they're working properly, always get them checked out by a qualified electrician."

Five fire engines and 31 firefighters and officers from Woodside, Lee Green, Bromley and Beckenham attended the incident.

The Brigade was called at 0552 and the fire was under control by 0638.