Last updated: 13/09/2018, 11:36 AM

Firefighters rescue fox cub with head stuck in Sutton wall

29/05/2015 22:07
Animal rescue

Firefighters were called to rescue a baby fox that had it’s head stuck in a wall on Holland Road in Sutton, last week.

Firefighter John Griffin who was at the scene, said: “An extension was being built at the back of the property and a family of foxes had got in under the floor. There was a hole in one of the breeze blocks and the cub had got its head stuck.

“We covered the fox over with a towel and chiselled the wall around it and as soon as it was free it ran straight back under the floor boards.”

The Brigade was called at 2207 on Friday 29 May and the incident was over at 2240.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: “We know that as a city of animal lovers, Londoners want to help straight away if they see an animal in distress and pet owners will know that their furry friends can quickly and easily get themselves into all sorts of trouble.

“But it is always best to contact the RSPCA in the first instance, and if they require our assistance, they will call us and we are happy to assist with our specialist equipment.”

If you see an animal in distress, contact the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999. Their dedicated experts can provide the best advice straight away, and will contact the Brigade directly if necessary.