Last updated: 26/11/2018, 11:34 AM

Stonebridge Park – house fire

19/01/2015 06:41
House or flat fire

Firefighters in Park Royal are reminding people of the importance of having a smoke alarm following a house fire on Beames Road in Stonebridge Park, in the early hours of yesterday morning.

A family of three adults and four children were given vital fire survival guidance over the phone by the Brigade’s 999 control officers as they were unable to leave the property because part of their hallway was alight.

Just as crews arrived three neighbours who were at the rear of the house entered and helped the family to safety. One other adult had jumped from the first floor window. Eleven people were treated at the scene by the London Ambulance Service for smoke inhalation.

Watch Manager Helen Christmas who was at the scene, said: “There was heavy smoke in the property and it was fortunate one of the adults noticed it as their smoke alarm did not sound. It just goes to show the importance of having a working smoke alarm and testing it regularly. They alert you to fire and can also buy you vital seconds to escape from one.”

The Brigade praises the efforts of the neighbours who rescued the family, but urges people not to put themselves at risk and to be on hand to give our firefighters as much information as possible when they arrive at the scene.

The fire left part of the ground floor damaged by fire.

Firefighters from Park Royal , Wembley, North Kensington and Willesden and fire stations attended the incident.

The Brigade was called at 0641 and the fire was under control at 0755. The cause of the fire is under investigation.