Last updated: 24/09/2018, 12:33 PM

Tottenham – flat fire

08/12/2015 21:45
House or flat fire

Firefighters were called to a fire at a house converted into two flats on Kimberley Gardens in Tottenham, this evening.

The fire is believed to have started when items being stored in the front garden of the property caught alight.  Part of the ground floor flat was damaged by fire and both flats suffered smoke damage throughout. A neighbouring property also suffered some damage.

Fortunately there was no-one injured in the incident.

Four fire engines and firefighters from Hornsey, Holloway, Tottenham and Stoke Newington fire stations attended the incident.

The Brigade was called at 2145 and the fire was under control at 2217. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Brigade and the Metropolitan Police.