Last updated: 15/10/2018, 11:54 AM

Joss sticks cause Kentish Town flat fire

27/08/2015 21:01
House or flat fire

The Brigade said it believes a fire in a Kentish Town flat yesterday was caused by joss sticks.

Fire investigators believe the blaze in the Bartholomew Road flat started accidentally and is likely to have been caused when the occupant lit two joss sticks and left the property.

The fire quickly spread to a timber chair, a plastic storage tray and a timber door frame.

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said:

“We believe there was no working smoke alarm in the property. Had it not been for the quick actions of a neighbour who smelt the smoke and phoned the Brigade it could have been a lot worse.

“Everyone should have at least one smoke alarm on every level of their home and the safest option is to have them linked together. This gives the earliest warning if there is a fire.

“It’s also important to remember that lit joss sticks should be placed well away from anything that could catch fire and put out if you leave a room.”

Two fire engines and more than ten firefighters from the Kentish Town Brigade attended the incident.

The Brigade was called to the fire at 2101 and the incident was under control by 2117.