London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA)

LFEPA used to govern the London Fire Brigade. LFEPA has now been abolished.

Under the Policing and Crime Act 2017, the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) has been abolished.

This means the way decisions are made about the Brigade, and how we are held to account by politicians, has changed.

The Act abolishes LFEPA and creates the London Fire Commissioner in its place.

What was LFEPA?

LFEPA was a functional body of the Greater London Authority (GLA). It was established under the Greater London Authority Act 1999. LFEPA's principal purpose was to run the London Fire Brigade.

There were 17 members of the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority appointed by the Mayor. Eight were nominated from the London Assembly, seven were the London boroughs and two are Mayoral appointees.

The chair of LFEPA Dr Fiona Twycross AM is now the Deputy Mayor for Fire

Access papers and decisions made by LFEPA

You can still access a calendar of meetings and supporting documents on using the link below - this houses full details of our discussions and decisions.

LFEPA Decisions