Last updated: 14/05/2024, 12:30 PM

Cat rescue - Bexley

29/03/2024 07:41
Animal rescue

This National Pet Day (11 April), we are celebrating the hard work of firefighters who rescue beloved family pets across the city. 

Crews were called to rescue Oreo the cat from a chimney on Northend Road in Erith. 

Sub Officer Ryan Senior-Ellison said: "Oreo the cat had been stuck in the chimney for two days. His owners were getting increasingly worried when he wouldn't come down from the chimney after racing up there when the hoover was turned on. 

"Bexley and Greenwich Red Watch crews worked extremely hard to release Oreo, utilising various specialist pieces of equipment to rescue the trapped cat including our fire rescue unit and 32m turntable ladder. 

"In the end thanks to the crews' hard work and fantastic efforts Oreo was reunited with his owner."


The Brigade was called at 0741 and the incident was over for firefighters by 1043. One fire engine, a fire rescue unit and a 32-metre turntable ladder from Bexley and Greenwich fire stations attended the scene. 

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: "Firefighters love animals too and we are ready, willing and able to assist distressed or injured animals.

"The last thing we want is for people to put themselves at risk rescuing an animal themselves - but we do encourage people to call the RSPCA in the first instance and we will assist if our specialist equipment is required, as in this case."

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